Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Snapshot, October 11, 2023


A billowy smoke seen earlier between 9:40 to 9:53 a.m., followed by sirens of firetrucks was seen and heard by early mallgoers today, outside the facade of SM Southmall, Las Pinas.

Decency Campaign on Public Bus, Sighted en Route


Finally, a reminder to be polite.


Photo taken by the writer/blogger today, October 11, 2023. For News Review Philippines.  

Just a few days after the news of the "Anti-Bastos" sticker campaign was announced, as part of a seemingly "malasakit" posturing of LTFRB (Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board), to the patrons of public transportation, a similar posting cohesive with the sticker campaign, was finally sighted in one of the public buses plying en route to Las pinas.

The announcement which flatly directs passengers of PUVs to be in their best behavior, is quietly seen in front of a non-airconditioned mini-bus and reminds every passenger about the "Safe Spaces Act". The Safe Spaces Act is one of the legal anchors that many women can count on to impose and expect discipline and good manners on fellow passengers, when in a mix of strangers who are used to having ill-mannered expressions and remarks unmindfully, often directed to the opposite gender, and when in the company of women.

Locally, being slighted with verbal remarks or non-verbal cues, could be a run- of-the-mill experience for women who frequent bus or any public transport.  Thus, a decency campaign as announced in the news could serve as bearish reminder on the need to be "well-behaved" while in a public space.

However, sightings of the sticker on buses seem to be few, almost rare. The campaign might need more visibility in buses as only one out of five buses, seen by this writer, since Sunday, was seen to have carried out a direct fulfillment of the “Bawal Ang Bastos” campaign.  The reminder which can come not only in stickers but also in laminated print outs, can benefit more visibility in a city that relies on public buses for many of its residents' day-to-day transportation.


News Review Philippines.

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