Monday, April 24, 2023


 Career shifting for middle-aged women may not be as easy as in the younger years. 

But women in their forties who may want to have a second wind in their profession can surely go back and retrain, just like a newbie. 

Given the continuing development in many industries when it comes to adopting a new norm of lifestyle, technology drives the change further by introducing new systems and ways of doing things. Thus the need to catch up is quite quintessential for every working mom.

It is not too late even in one's forties to gain new insights and knowledge that can help one move forward to a different phase in one's career whether as an office worker or as a home-based employee. 

The forties can be a golden era for change and relearning how one's skills and proficiencies can be made better. A middle-aged mom need not be unproductive from a career perspective, even when one has settled for a different life phase as a parent.

Also, working for an upskill can assure one of the renewed insights that are profession-centric or trend-geared. Upskilling may also be necessary for an industry that is always on the hunt for dynamic improvements.

If you’re barely remembering the lessons you’ve had from way back in school, maybe, it’s time to enroll in the many training/webinars available on-site or online.

Entertain no hesitancy to include yourself in online training or class because you may not be on par with the rest of the younger set who are much more eager to learn and dominate the workforce.  

Here are some helpful tips for upskilling goalers:

ZERO IN ON WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN AT YOUR AGE. Maybe you want to update your grasp of technology. Or abandon your pen and paper writing skills and make better creatives. This can be good to spark your upskill objectives. 

IDENTIFY YOUR NEEDS AS A PROFESSIONAL. If it is a career reinvention you want, maybe you can count on your previous training and workshops. Do you want an “upgrade” of your industry knowledge? Or is it a career shift training that you’re after? Many local companies have been offering free training online, especially in the realm of entrepreneurship. For those who’d like to imbibe a new wave of education, they can also try the paid training that gives certificates after the many hours of lessons or modular-based instructions. Most of the training is geared towards technological updating and fluency. And is often delivered by an expert with a global perspective.  Take advantage of your time to get more lessons even when you don’t have the time to attend the training on-site.

LEARN TO INTEGRATE BASIC ONLINE APPLICATIONS INTO YOUR GADGET OR PHONE.  Choose at least a widely-used app that would allow you to join your online training or seminar.  The most common is Google’s Workspace and Zoom. But there are other apps out there that you might have to learn as well when venturing into an upskill. The applications used for online training may very per company.

CATCH UP IF YOU’RE LATE OR INATTENTIVE. Some companies upload their training on social media sites as well even after the seminar/ workshop has culminated. Find your interest or niche to take advantage of the training uploaded online. THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO MAKE YOUR NEW CHAPTER FOR LEARNING POSSIBLE.

ONCE YOU’RE LOGGED IN TO ATTEND A WEBINAR, HAVE THE PATIENCE TO FINISH THE TRAINING. When you find the topic or lessons not interesting enough for your time, promise not to quit. The time of the speaker or resource person is valuable. One does not have to be told that a company goes through a lot of trouble-- devoting time, energy, and resources to make training possible. So go appreciate your learning time.


With patience for learning from webinars and online training, upskilling can be effortless!





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