Thursday, May 2, 2024

Para-Paraan Moves By The Locals To Beat The Scourge of El Nino


It is not just about living under the sun. 

But being creative while at it.



Surprisingly, most people won't go hide from the sun here in the city of Laspinas. 

Instead, the locals are embracing the heat in all fury, with matching clothes and roofing at that.

Yeah even at the brave 46 degree heat index, the residents continue with their everyday life as if every second counts still even, if it meant like hugging the sun.

Here are ways the locals catch up with a flare of El Nino, while being full garbed or thirst quenched:

1.  Some had their roofings done.  

This is a given.  Could be your affluent lessor nearby trying to hide from the glare or stares. 

But it's actually a perfectly enthused cover up for the heat index to be bested.

2.  Those who can't afford, scour for beach  umbrellas.  

There's some quaint "talipapa" that's a Divisoria like version in LP,  that can give a small radius shade for thrifty nanays. 

Umbrellas depending on sizes can cost from 365 to Php 500 plus locally. No haggling though. Swear!

3.  Some enterprising neighbors have spruced up their makeshift dining or coffee tables to offer passersby with halo-halo, the all-time favourite dessert for Filipinos during summer.  

Saan ka pa? May hanap buhay rin 'pag El Nino.

Time to crave those ice shave with nata de coco toppers, NRP readlings.

4.  To the trendy e-biker moms, they prefer to have their motorbike around town all roofed up as well.  Sosy sila sissies!

5.  To the garb conscious, they go out complete with the tough motorbike rider attire--gloves, jacket sun-awe OTD to protect them from the rays. 

Let's rider it with their thick clothing protection, setting it right.

6.  While some, totally zoom out, hideaway from the heated sun,

ayaw mangitim" (they are afraid to get skin dark really).  

Also they're going for night shift when going around town people!

7.  Some "plantitas or plantitos" choose to display their plant collection and potted succulents over the "bangketa" 

(side streets) ;  while some green thumbs move in their green leaf belongings into their home space. 

The fierce sun these days could actually dry tired your pothos in a day, no kidding! 

What about you?  How have you been coping for EL NINO Survival?

'Till next local colour.

For comments, rejoinders and fan mails, send a letter to Las Pinas C.P.O 265, Philippines, and address it to:  EIC-  Anna Liza VB.  Or comment here NRP readlings.

News Review Philippines is an independent news media site, and a venture of Anna Liza VB, a Manila-born writer and Mass Communications graduate.  She previously worked for traditional media for many years before becoming a freelancer.

News Review Philippines and all it's contents here in on this site, is an IP (intellectual property) and trademark of the writer Anna Liza VB, all rights reserved.

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