Photo Policies

 How The Writer Selects Photos For Posting Here In News Review Philippines:

Intent in posting the photos is to capture the real, unreimagined photos from the streets or in locations that can supplement, correlate or identify as news or blog-worthy. 

Most photos were primarily shot and taken by the writer. But photos from collaborators, freelancers and contributors from the reading public will be accepted soon.  It is not a one-woman world for this mediablog. Any interested reader's photos can be welcomed but must satisfy editor's standards and estimation.

The bloggers priority is to show unfiltered photos, on a "as is-where is" condition.

Should there be use of filter or retouch on photographs, a minimum scale for edits is preferred.  The site is not a fan of using artificial intelligence in finishing photo submissions. Manipulated photos are mostly shunned. 

Although a different standard can be upheld by the writer/blogger for photos posted to accompany  lifestyle articles, edits and manipulations of photos are aimed done as organically and least done as possible.

Thank you.

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