Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Fault in the Unseen: What Creatives Won't Tell Everyone About Big Projects

And What Mediocrity Truly Spells 

Believe me, mediocrity is a word those in the creative professions loathe.

With a reason of course.

No creatives in advertising can be there if, from the very start, one does not know the intricacies of their work, more so the difference between mediocrity and mediocracy.

It is not all about colors, photos, words, and fonts when one is handed an advertising campaign that is expected to be shredded and criticized by many--probably because of timing, probably because of budget.

It cannot be diluted that those who belong to the world of creatives, when given a project,  [warning cliché] do get that “fire in their belly” to finish a task with aplomb, breathe—success.

Unless when a team of creatives is demoralized or has a very stressful deadline given them, that demands quality within an almost impossible deadline or timeframe;  or for them to work despite a lack of manpower available. One cannot simply judge a whole slew of creatives based on the outcome of a project. 

With the foresight of having an unsatisfactory output, one who can pull the strings, can simply call the shots, trash everything, or have a do-over of work.  Rest assured, the creatives would be the first ones to balk at such an average campaign. 

The real deal, before a project is accepted, is a whole lot of expectations are given to creatives. 

Sometimes, the demands are not doable.  But creatives, believing that they can always do their best, would always put a brave, fast-paced move forward, in order to satisfy a client. 

What this post wants to share is:  why a team of creatives "at the helm of things" did not pull enough brunt and blunt to come up with an impeccably original campaign for a tourism project? 

  • Was the brief clear?
  • Was there a budget that supported such a big deal campaign that is accessible within the confines of the deadline, for the team of creatives to peruse? 
  • Or was the deadline given so strict that the team working on the campaign, had no choice but to come up with a hush edition from logo to video?

In times of failure, the writers and artists for such a gargantuan project do know they would be the ones to take the blame for such a hullabaloo. And believe that a team of creatives would have the decency to admit what’s wrong should all else fail. 


So much has been said about the tourism campaign. But what is good to ponder is that a team of creatives from a well-known ad agency could have done a better job, if all support, and ideals were given them. If the ideals were not there, no matter how excellent they are, they can only give a lackluster output, if something was sorely missing that requires them to further their brilliance.  

Most of the time, originality is spun by inspiration. And an excellent campaign also requires the right work environment to bring forth enough motivation to be original. By coming up with a campaign that fails many expectations, the ad agency's creatives would be the first ones to be dissatisfied with their own work.

Something to spell out there, lay out the reasons for fail, not just criticize the finished tourism campaign if originality really was a big deal for everyone.

commentary. News Review Philippines 

edited @10:19pm July 11, 2023

Copyright 2023 Philippines




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