Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Depriving Moms of Jobs and Essentials Must Be a Criminal Offence

 Make it fair.

As the hobnobbing families of OFWs in the country continue to bark on their reign as financial stalwarts, riding on the benefits of being recipients of OFW  earnings, others who are not as lucky, these include the ageing populace of professionals who used to have the leverage to enter the most in-demand of jobs, now find themselves lost in a sea of unresuscitated uncertainty.

For many nineties' professionals, skilled work is never an option; especially for ageing moms who were never trained from the very start to do skilled work.

Unlike the current crop of women who can still brag about being young, and the e-bike flaunting moms who can actually show more flexibility in finding work,  the ageing professionals of the nineties do not belong to such privilege of brag. As the "has been workers" who are no longer as relevant in the corporate world of IT lairs, ", the nineties' yuppies undeniably face threats of abuse and hunger, and deprivation of social service and assistance.

This said, flaggelates more as moms endure facing a biased system of giving jobs that  measure  strength, or age for hireability .

A myriad of  factors that further minimize opportunities for ageing moms to find work in the country.

Being laughed at as former hireworthies is the least of the insults.  

The lack of options to pursue work even abroad provides a nail on the cross of, a mom's back too.  

We all know finding work abroad is just as hard as finding work locally.

Children suffer the most especially the schoolers when moms cannot find work.  

We all know that women can be awfully measured by fellow women in how they can sustain and support their kids, and the measure is not nice-- in the same way men are expected to provide.

When a mom has to bear the brunt of hard work at home, while missing on opportunities to find work outside the home, a part of a mom's heart dies along with her.

Kids with struggling moms who have been deprived of work choices are at the losing end in a spectrum of deprivation that values the young but not the ones that nurture and care for the young.

It is time we "criminalize" people and employers that "purposely" deprive ageing but capable mom workers,  from getting work here locally, because they have a mouth or more to feed, yet are made to "beg for solitude of rights" in the eyes of the work and money greedy.

There has to be social justice.  And it must not be deaf or blind.

Commentary NRP.

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