Monday, April 24, 2023

SSS LasPinas Branch Goes Offline for Walk In Clients

If you have any business at all, in any windows of the SSS (Social Security Service) Laspinas City branch at SM Southmall, then you may be in for a lot of time waste and hassle.  The branch advised its walk-in patrons that it is offline at the moment. Inquiries for customer complaints, membership benefits, and other matters were dispelled and were not allowed to pass through right from the guard's station. However, the SSS branch was available to entertain questions with regard to concern-specific SSS services. There was available personnel seen in front of the local branch, but seats were vacant except for the frontline staff and the handful of SSS customers queueing for claims and member-related inquiries. When prompted for the date of resumption of service, the guard-on-duty advised that customers can come back after 10 days. No immediate validation can be reached from official SSS authorities regarding the offline disruption today.

Posted: April 24, 2023@ 2:47pm 

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