Wednesday, April 26, 2023


"Shaded with "slighted"

 There is a better will
 that drives one to move out  of  a city and pursue a phase in his/her life in another. But when it  comes  to the fairness of interactions, some cities may  not impress as expected.  In this city, 1 out of 3 interactions/conversations per day with the locals, in this case, those done in public and  commercial establishments, could expose one to earshot or direct experience of slight shaming.  In a place where there are far more subdivisions than in any other country, this is a surprising sign of backsliding to the bygone years of patronage, bias, and alliances. Slight shaming can occur in sharing conversations and daily tasks that one may value as essential, routine, or trivial. Polite or cordial responses, from staff of business establishments may not always be a norm or a standard. Because in this city, almost everything seems to have a person-to-person reference to a bias, an impression, or a total neglect of business courtesy. Even though there is much room for improvement in this city when it comes to the conduct of business and person-to-person convo, it is ironic that this is happening in an urban location where affluents abound.  When in this city, expect low courtesy; a high risk of bias, and a preferential attitude toward the old residents, locals, and upscale-income  residents. Or to be patronized and have fair treatment when you have old connections and friendships in place.

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