Saturday, September 9, 2023



Tomatoes are not on the easy-pick aisle.


If local consumers were turned off by the prices of onions late last year up to the early part of this year, that look of bewilderment can be experienced again, when purchasing tomatoes. 

The prices of tomatoes, a staple in many Filipino dishes and a regular ingredient of the popular Sinigang dish are currently, exorbitant, in a popular grocery chain known to be patronized by many low to middle-income class of shoppers.

As consumers continue to pin their hopes on the down pricing of rice grains, tomatoes are carefully stacked away, covered on separate shelves, just a few walks from the “by the bundle” fresh vegetables that are currently on a usual tipping scale.

The price is not just the issue.  For those who want their platter load of colored leafy greens on their plates, the sheer shrunken size of other vegetables like the bell peppers that are being sold, also come in  miniature sizes. 

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