Friday, November 10, 2023

Let’s Talk About Cancel Culture in the Market of the Ordinary

 Let’s Talk About Cancel Culture in the Market of the Ordinary

Unsubscribe, when you don’t like HOW you are treated as a customer.


There is a term in the current times that somehow brings ripple waves in the mindset of the social media savvy listeners.  This term is called “cancel culture”, a phrase that pervades social media, even way before the pandemic had set in.


It is a term that refers to a movement (apologizing, this descript is simplified and not lifted) that calls on people to put forward or talk hype about a transgression-- of a person, an action, or an occurrence.  To cancel and  hyper-accentuate a grievance or a fault made, enough to be known by many.


The objective can be to raise awareness of a fault or to point out a flaw in a person.


To cancel may not necessarily mean to remove or eradicate in a real-life context. But indirectly, it could mean a removal in the system that is driven by expectations, or molded realities; of following a standard or a norm. Cancel culture happens when there is a deviation in the actions and expectations of people.


Away from defining cancel culture as an ideology, but further considering the term in the context of consumerism, cancel culture could be the explanation that can be given when a person unsubscribes from an account or refuses to remain on a social platform.


Cancel culture can also be perceived in a way that is to cease from accepting a certain standard that we opinionate must NOT persist in a product, a service, etc. 


For example, we unfollow a social media account when it no longer fits our bill of likes. We cancel an order when we have a change of preferences in our buying habits. Or we cancel a service when a utility company no longer serves us well.


Cancel culture may not always focus on an erring behavior, a person, or an occurrence. Cancel culture can mirror an ideational attitude among consumers that pushes them to delete or back out from pursuing a purchase instead of venting out the fault in a product by way of reviews. This is to avoid the hassle of experiencing further inconveniences later on. At least, in the market for the ordinary, cancel culture is much more active because every cent has a value and every expectation must be met.


There is value in giving value to order cancellations when one sees the prospect of further improving a product, a service, or a business reputation. Marketers must not see it as a reason to dwell on a fail, or to hold a grudge against a customer. Cancel culture asserts a democracy of likes and unlikes expression; opinion sharing and choice pursuing.  Cancel culture must not be taken as a normative way to deny life or rights but as a mode to express disallowable goods or products, and business standards that are not dignified enough for consumers to accept.  Cancel culture enlists an opinion on our wants as an individual. And pushes for set ideals that must be met even when we stand in the most unideal of times, as consumers of local products.


We must accept differences in opinion. But this cancel culture in the realm of consumerism-- why people buy or get products; or subscribe to services, must always be respected well by those who matter.

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