Monday, November 6, 2023

LTO Flocked By Customers; Showed Preferences For On-Site Registration

 Face-to-face LTO transactions were keen for the day

About three hundred customers patiently queued and lined up at the Land Transportation Office (LTO) branch in Las Pinas and its mall outlet in Robinson’s Place Las Pinas today. 

It was business as usual for patrons who filled the parking slots and LTO windows for various transactions. Customers did not mind the hassle of long lines. LTO employees were mostly accommodating in handling customer concerns and inquiries and even took time to accommodate clients way up to lunchtime when there was supposed to be a lunch break in place already. 

At the LTO main branch in Las Pinas, transactions for vehicle registrations were abuzz. The room which handled Third Party Liability Insurance (TPL) for motor vehicles, was also filled, but not packed to the full. This gave enough breathing space for clients in wait unlike in previous years prior to the pandemic when the room was jampacked without enough grounds for ease of movement among customers.

Seen in Robinsons Place where there was also a strong attendance from LTO clients today, the employees made sure there was efficiency in fulfilling their tasks from windows down to the health check aisles.  Customers waited patiently and seats were filled to the brim which has relaxed its social distancing seat gaps for clients.

Students and oldies; parents carrying their child; senior citizens and even PWDs were seen mostly blended in the shared holding area for the LTO outlet in Robinsons Place. The peak hours began from nine to ten in the morning while the slump of visits from incoming customers began from 11:30 pm to lunch time which seemed to be the most comfortable time for LTO walk-ins.  

One employee shared that transactions for that day were being wrapped up to give preference only to the senior citizens and PWD clientele; while the rest may continue their transactions on the next day.

The senior-aged staff also reminded those on-site not to forget to log in first at the LTO official address for online transactions.  But walk-ins can still be entertained.  Customers must make sure all documents needed in their transactions are prepared prior to lining up at the cashier’s window, especially the TDC or the Theoretical Driving Certificate which is required for applicants who seek a Student Driver's Permit.


filed November 6, 2023. an original freelance coverage of this writer Anna Liza VB

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