Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Filipinos Not The Nicest But The Iciest In Real Life

 In real life I see cold people and they are quieter than you think.

Holiday cheers to a country of woes but never spoken as some middle class position themselves to have landed, titled and all without thinking about the socially deprived.

If human rights is not as popular an issue now that Atty Leila de Lima is no longer in the hottest of publicity, I don't know what else would help stir the cautiousness for the blatant disregard of respect against solo plight individuals in the country, the independent minded who doesn't have the backing of their betrothed clan or what have you.

In reality, there is no holiday cheers in a place that chooses to focus attention on superficialities of decor and human interaction, where in fact the ordinary people who plow their time and truth be told they are the quietest, continue to be hushed hushed soft spoken harassed in full view of conniving eyes and hearts.

I am referring to being bullied without regret from others.

One litmus test that stirs the recurrence of bullying  in the country does not really require measure of strength or weakness, but more about reading and seizing up personalities for  their  credibility or lack of it.

In the Philippines, the first ones targetted for slandering cruelty, a common form of bullying in the country, are the celebrities, media practitioners, followed by the  "lowly housewives".

Yes dearie, reality transcends that Filipinos do not want to be disliked hence the popularity of social media to lure likes and numbers so egos can be buttered up with follows and rarara I support thee rants that help pave way for the rise of bullies, who are not necessarily stellar but they feel they are when in the company of their likes.

Once the numbers are set, in  real life a cave is molded by the unsophisticated social conversationalist, the ones who reign that  take advantage of those that believe them.  

Rearing heat and feels that their supporters, followers,  believes and neatest of kin would always back them up to oust the unbelieved, unwanted, much hated media, celebrity or housewife next door.

Is it always about cruel intention that some can find the throb to hangup on one individual to make sure a person pays with indignity that he or she is shamelessly undignified hence one clan, one neighborhood or one camp can make sure all ends meet to shame someone they dislike?

Maybe not always. But the recent penchance of Filipinos to call one and all to shame people, persons they don't like, maybe a clapback to surround a wonted individualistic would not even merit the talk and muster of legal minds.

Bullying in not so claustrophobic situations are happening and it goes beyond the prying eyes of government officials who are busy planning the budget for the country, unknowns to them that the nicest do gooder Filipinos have long bid adieu because it is no longer fun in the Philippines, and they have reigned enough in an elitist culture that portrays the entitled homeowner as lords of the many, without respecting the dignity of the untitled they once were before they learned to mouth slander and build a reputation to be the wealthier ones than the outcast, the travellers, the transient, the migrants and those who cannot speak in the write protest.

Afterall what is being self-righteous if one cannot flaunt it?

May the clarity of truths and  nice wishes abide in the country this holiday season sans a dwelling need to up one's status against another by many locals.

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