Sunday, June 4, 2023

You Need to Be Reminded of Your 20 Percent Fare Discount If You're a Student or a Senior Citizen

 Discounts In Transportation Give Ease

THAT 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT, students, and senior citizens are entitled to, must always be asked. 

Given that the minimum fare for public transportation these days ranges from  Php 13.00 to Php 15.00 for jeepneys and buses already, riding even public transportation may no longer be as cheap as it used to be.

At a time when almost everyone is coping with their own daily expenses, the Filipino riding public mostly expects daily expenses to be kept at a minimum thus, little discounts in transportation can help extend the power of the wallet not just for the moms and dads, but for the students as well.

Students mostly do not have the liberty to work on a generous budget hence public transportation is the preferred ride for many Filipino students.  Since student allowances are basically predetermined by their parents, every student expense thus must be light and predictable,  with no room for changes.  The reason transportation expenses must be regulated and must meet bare minimum rates to be affordable.

A 20 percent discount can give such ease to the daily plights of the students who have to hurdle their way back and forth to their school-house routes.

There is actually a law compelling drivers and operators of PUVS to give the 20 percent discount. 

Non-observance of RA 11314 (Student fare discount act); RA 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizens Act),  the legal basis which obligates drivers and operators to give such discounts on transportation fees, could expose drivers and operators to risks of suspension of driver’s license; cancellation of CPC or Certificate of Public Convenience;  or even two to six years imprisonment.

So, don’t hesitate to ask for your discount, when riding public transportation. 

For additional reference, please visit, LTFRB Press Release/ Website post, dated:  February 20, 2023, entitled “Paalala sa Publiko” on LTFRB’s official website.  Retrieved 04 June 2023.

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