Thursday, June 1, 2023

You Won’t Need to Guess This E-Commerce App That Kicks Subscribers Out Without Notice

 Of all the e-commerce apps available, this one is the most mysterious.  It is one of the pioneers in the industry, with the premise of giving its customers the opportunity to sell their old items and earn extra income from them.

But despite the many reviews written about it, this online selling site that targets nanays mostly as its customer base does not have fair, responsive customer service that attends to online complaints of buyers.

All customers would get is to interact with the allotted email address or through their method of leaving a  message on their feedback or review form.  

But the thing is, this site, cannot hold its own mettle when it comes to fair mediation, and customers and sellers would be left without proper redress of grievance when there is a disagreement or dispute.

You wait as a customer and without notice, this e-commerce app would simply kick out the subscriber anytime they want, without prior advice or respect for the content posted by the subscriber who expected this site to be a “fair marketplace” for all.  It seems their team leans towards non-resolution to low-resolution of feedback.

Too bad, this site has all the noteworthy promises of being a service-oriented online platform, with clarity of direction on how it wants to position its e-commerce in the market. 

But with the kind of customer service they have in handling complaints, it would be so unexpecting that this used-to-be popular site, may lack the necessary customer handling skills to fix issues hurled against it.

You don’t have to guess which e-commerce app this is. Round and about you read about them.  Until you move along to a better app.

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