Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Must Education Be Branded?

Would you consider not just the tuition fees or popular choices in education? Or would you go for a simple name? OR A LEGEND.

When it comes to rank, the top three are the bet. The three-tier structure in popular education precedes the name of the applicant before one is hired.  

If a graduate comes from a "branded" university,  it is safe to assume that one will have a better chance of being hired. To heck with the resume. As an applicant, the name affixed to the resume may not make a dent yet, not the way a school name is put forth in a kind of distinguished manner that can make a graduate proud. 

Out and loud we bark about our school name, yes even if we don't come from the hard knock.

It is after all an education sought after. But what about branded education? How far can one go when one comes from an unsinkable roster of achievers that fill the halls of many respectful institutions and the seats of many offices?  

One is almost compelled to deliver a variance of pitch or meaningful breadth of a pause when one is asked for the school name upon application.  

Use a high pitch, high-strung tone without effort to mention your school if you come from the top three universities or colleges.  

But for the rest of the ordinaries, use or key in only a low pitch tone, almost a denouement voice, without a twang of course, if you come from a usual school that does not belong to the most privileged.

It is a branded education that outpaces others when applying, aside from the "kakilalas" of the few.  In fact, it won't be hard to tell who would also get the best seat at work. 

One applicant from an unbranded institution can pine for "it", that laudable position in all best effort, but the promotion would definitely be won in priority by someone with a branded diploma.

From the differences in pay scale; to the work positions; to being handed the right opportunities for a secured future, a branded education can make things easier for an individual.  What's the use of being a graduate of this knock-knock school, if you cannot pull some strings right? 

But for the many hordes of applicants, who stand by the truth in their resume, the strength of their achievements, and the little references they can front, how do you match a branded name backed by many alumna, bemedalled and most-talked about for their achievement?

However great-- branded education is, it is never an antidote for the prevailing lack of opportunities for the rest of the unemployed. It actually postures an age-old competitive question that confounds any hiring personnel. Would you really go for a Philippine version of an IVY LEAGUE school or would you open your doors to the plain-named applicants?

It has become a legacy of tiered education that makes superficial the same legacy,  that also depletes the opportunities of the many graduates.  Graduates who also want to make a living, not just a superficial name; a worth-your-while employment from their own industry that can be bereft of chances and level-headedness for the rest of the "so-ordinary" Pinoys.

>>>commentary. News Review Philippines 2023

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