Saturday, April 20, 2024

Intense Weather Hits Not Just Fever Pitch

If you think El Nino is the only thing that threatens man's survival these days aside from poverty and the rising prices of commodities, think again. 


There's more to the intensely sunny weather that hits every poor man's back on the road waiting to explore what opportunities are left when there is none extended, other than a pittance of serve to the locals.  

At the intersection of Alabang, Madrigal, traffic bleakens the wait of many  commuters who are eager to go home at 5pm this day.

But that's not all. 

Traffic aides err in their pitchiness as every hotheaded men/drivers on the main thoroughfare seem to find compelling reason to yell, whistle at any one getting in their drive route, so hotly  showing brute impatience on the road.

As men display irate reaction to the traffic, women tugging along their kids mostly below seven, brave the sun to weather a weekend at the mall.  The kids dressed in their best OTDs seem to  have a fun frolic at a popular shopping destination down south.

The city scene seems to be trying to bounce back from it's reclusivity as many shoppers line up at the counter  to buy lifestyle items and fill in the spots at their favorite food crawls.

These juggernaut seem to juxtapose at the true need of the city to mind the unspoken and that is to have more commuter-friendly transports with genuine courtesy and pleasantries for commuters on the level of VIP standards for  service.   

As for shoppers, a more favourable pricing of commodities to afford every mom with essentials for their kids would have been a better trend than to simply go out to escape from the current abnormal weather.

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