Friday, April 12, 2024

Roll Over And Bow If You Don't Have This As Investment

Frenzy or fiasco for luxe investments?Small-time shoppers/ investors can be left stunned by the trend right now.

As a multi-billion dollar industry that brags the in-demand sale and exchanges of high value ticket items for luxury investors and buyers, small-time and low-key investors and shoppers alike can be left dumbfounded suddenly in a third world country that brags about sending OFWs abroad for employment and dollar remittances.

Up, up,the price for this watch, albeit second owned.  Low, low, the price for women's luxes so we're noticing a trend.

What's up moms of yesterday naughties generation?  As moms grapple to figure how to solidify their "wais na misis" reputation,  lifting from a slogan of an old television commercial of the "Lumen" series, moms these days can suddenly be astounded to find out that the business of pre-loved luxury does not at all favor the ordinary.

.Of course most know the penchant for luxury in the era of influencers. 

But chances are, if you are one of the shoppers or investors of luxury goods, women might get enough regrets over buying their own luxury finds of the brand stalwarts that fill the pages of many Instagram feeds and social media posts for that culture of share and flaunt.

As it is right now pre-loved luxury seems very enticing as well but one honest realization would hound buyers of hundred thousand pesos plus plus designer items because most stores that offer to buy luxury items at preloved quality, can only offer a very bare minimum price.  

Hence, one designer bag that can fetch a minimum of Php 50000 pesos, can only be bought for a fraction of a cost, sometimes not enough to even cover for the expenses and transportation requirements of the preloved  luxury.

But these aren't all.

Most businesses published online to have interests in buying preloved goods, mostly express and yes, even demand, that they only accept one brand on top of their list of luxury brands to buy.

And you got it watch hoarders.

One should take a cue from the recent vlog of popular news anchor that featured a store that caters to buyers of this brand.

This brand, it seems is a true trending fixation of many businesses that are into retailing and selling of pre-loved luxuries.

Edging and probably causing a diminutive reputation for investors and buyers of branded items that are modestly priced and within the price range only of--by the hundreds of dollars, this brand seem to have captivated the fancy and disposition of many business owners enough to  disenfranchise many women shoppers and buyers of luxury items.

So are million pesos worth of watch not enough to make women shoppers heeding the exit way in luxury shopping,? Or is it the way things have been among the aspirational buyers and the truly wealthy?

For one thing, the extreme favoring and pricing of a luxury watch brand that enamors many men could actually signal that women have been left behind so much, not just through the glass ceiling but also in terms of consumer priorities.

News Review Philippines

Consumer post.


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