Tuesday, April 2, 2024

It's Not Just the Weather News That's Making the Hot Temperament

 When a mayor declares a class suspension, that hints an aversion to experience the real situation of extreme weather change that's breaking charts even without looking at the temp measure.   It also brings to fore the need for many adjustments that have to be made in the areas of infrastructure and adaptability of cities to endure the current weather, for the sake of the locals.

The hot climate as a consequence of an unforgiving weather phenomenon, is a risk to the health of the general populace.  This we need to acknowledge.

We need not validate the results as it can be clearly seen.  

The drying of the soil even in metro cities; the slowing down of water connection service in areas that are wooing new real estate buyers for their "housevesting"; scarcity of potable water; and the risks of being exposed to the radical sunny weather that is changing our body in a lot of ways, are the "must" precursors for change in making adjustments to our roads and infrustructures. 

Even the way we build our homes needs a reinvention of sorts.

Most apartments, residences and buildings in the Mega Manila are cement structures that do not help curb the effects of the weather but instead magnify the heat, making the weather more unbearable for the locals.

The roads and the streets of Metro Manila are not capacitated to give shade and shelter in case of extreme weather conditions.

Most shades or by the wayfare commuter stop gaps, are selectively placed only. Most do not have the continuity of providing a safe roofing or shade  from the hot weather. 

There must be additional structures built in cities with highest risks for heat wave, that could serve as a buffer for the intense heat that could threaten the commuters and pedestrians, who are most exposed to the El Nino phenomenon.

Also this is the best time for our national and local leaders to step up on their "plantito, plantita" hobbies by propagating a greening of sidewalks, streets and alleys even in areas that are most serving as bottleneck for traffic, and   converging main roads and highways.

There cannot be avoidance for El Nino like a mere tolerance for the temperament of the locals who are showing already a flair for discourtesy against customers, even in the middle of a business day.

It must not be because of the weather that we accept the heat.  

We deal with the ordinary challenges of the weather like an economy that needs to refocus back on a middle ground.  

That which are not just beneficial for the rich or the "uberly" "masa"; but also  meant to give convenience for the middle class who tow the line of endurance, for the most part to ensure a continuance of the economy despite the challenges of El Nino.

News Review Philippines editorial

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