Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Saintly Lessor, With OverBearing Next of Kin

 This post is inspired by a column from another Philippine multimedia news site.

There seems to be an apparent disregard for tenants' rights in the country especially at a time when the locals veer away from getting the ire of their affluent community.

Instead of living the life of a respectable lessor, this one records the slightest, almost faintest record of a long tenure of legendary remiss at managing their apartment property being leased out to 

not-so-affluent and 

out-of-their league tenants.

Apparently, one lessor thinks they can simply cast aside their over- the-top,  slight shaming on their tenant, because the tenant is so unpopular with the rest of the community.

But the tenant in recluse, which the lessor castigates with unapologetic demands for accessibility and yes, a downplay on privacy because of their probing nature, seems to find no guilt in moving boundaries while shaming their tenant.

The lessor is a stickler for cleanliness and it is to her kin's chagrin that they ended up with a tenant that cannot have an SIR ( smooth interpersonal relationship with them,) aside from refusing "subservience" to their authority.

Perhaps, the lessor holds a "POV" (point-of-view) , that tenants must act like subordinates being ruled out by them.

To the displeasure of the lessor, the lessees have been quietly absorbing the lessors' own falter, because the homeowners' are not doing any move to make amends with the tenant who hold a grievance against the lessor.

The lessor is a wife to a soldier who, undisclosedly might be inactive from the service already.

The lessor are also posturing to be untouchable in the affluent  community of an old subdivision that are not so much known to be so enterprising until businesses have mushroomed all over the neighborhood for a good share of the 

land' s prospects for ventures and not for residential openings alone.

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