Monday, May 6, 2024

Is Cavite Snubbing InterCity Migrants?

So commuter unfriendly. So uncomfortable to walk around during El Nino weather.


This afternoon this is the air on the road, outbound from Cavite. The air looks fine powdered sand, one must be cautious of breathing while travelling.

Below photos, 

despite it's misgivings, Cavite has a lot of swoon worthy scenic spots that can regale visitors.

In between snaps, Cavite comes up like lush fields of green; then it intermingles with shots of arid lands,  with dry trees fallen like one traveller would find it as  another countryside, distinctly meant for a dry spell weather.
Traffic, feisty fiery weather and lots of commuter unfriendliness greets visitors and motorists of Cavite on a Monday, with young mallers and kibitzers lounging and hanging around at the malls for some cool air conditioning as motorists grapple for park spaces without roof and shade; while public school students walk around town dressed casually, unmindful of the danger of sun exposure brought by El Nino.

It is a hodgepodge of mixing and exclusivity in Cavite on a recent note. 
The city postures with 
busy streets full of  motorists blocking the school roads, on one side; while long winding roads peek on another city scape.

The strategic roads that  lead to real estate developments that brag a lot of promise and potentials have all been well circuitously built and placed, but communities still are lagging and responding to needs of the public  for utilities' connectivity and improvement.

There must be an explanation to all the sway of contradiction that is being fronted by real estate companies to prospective investors and buyers, as they 
foretell readiness of the city to accommodate the buying public.

Truth well known this is not the perfect status yet.

To this date, commuters and migrants who are raring for better connectivity and disposition of services for the budding locals remain dilly-dallied on issues on utilities. 

Some households remain water and electricity deprived, opting to compound the residents need with heeding demands for compartmentalized application for service utilities. 

Add to this a grievance on the lack of a true commuter-friendly alternate routes for the  public . 

As we all know, the commuter routes in every city ensure survival,  access and distribution of goods and services that are essential in times of calamities.

More, Cavite seems to snub outside migrants to the city by continuing to make the transition harder for would be residents as water utility companies and other walk-around-the mile services, like those necessary for daily maintenance of houses, transports and businesses, remains on a sleepy unreachable mode, still  failing to act with resolute speed to consumer requests especially on basic services.

we from day-to-day look at the heat indices and ask if, the true well meaning developers have indeed made the bold and necessary moves to extend conveniences to intercity migrants. 

If so, they should have made the requests for connection of water and electric services a matter of prime priority, and not things that have to be waited on.

With the unfriendly commuter situation, and the failing response rate for consumer worthiness of utility companies, Cavite is surely positioning a snubbish approach to the prospective local migrants.


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