Wednesday, May 1, 2024

When Smart People Are Made To Look Desperate In Times of El Nino

The underserviced disenfranchised professionals in niche industries continue to be helpless, and without a hope for a future.



Five years after the pandemic and at a time when El Nino has poised to rid of most jobless professionals hope for help and opportunities, none has changed but a pile of debts or debts of gratitude for the jobless.

Maybe, it is the soaring chance for the Philippines to take charge of its fate by owning it's path to progress. But the jobless and the disenfranchised do not feel this road being taken for them too.

What good news that slightly have given  hopes is that about news of an age-old problem being resolved by a tycoon who has done here, this writer will spare to mention, a  giant feat and fest for the cleanup of the dirtiest parts of the Metro. 

But for the rest able wealth Mavens, who are in the position to give best of opportunities for employment and financial assistance, most continue to give a blank face on those who have been forgotten.

Professionals who have charted an age way past their prime but still productive to work for crucial industries like food manufacturing, and the women who have previously bowed time for their profession, those who have settled in their simple lives as homemakers, continue to be outside the fence of hope.

These two examples of professionals have become a dirt swept under the rug by many movers and shakers in businesses who dare not treasure hire the relentless outcasts.

Here outcast is meant to mean people who were discriminated intensely by their own colleagues or probably  by a system enforced by the Human Resource Personnel in companies that matter.  

For reasons that aged workers have lack the youth value, or have a baggage to rut.  

What HR would hire a housewife with needy clingy kid/s, when one can hire a fully made up young applicant who will not budge at having a low salary or probably brave the hot weather for a chance to work at a big corporation?

As the the outcast ageing  employees wait for their turn for opportunities and help, they who were smart in their own work experiences, have to contend with an empty sack of rice, or a cold shoulder treatment every time they knock and pound on for  help from others.  

Why flutter for the needy when some, if not countless, are  trying to hoard their wealth, or should we say "conserve it",  when there are lots of uncertainty in the economy?

One thing, the recent bout with a 46 to 51 heat indeces that felt like people were over ready to be baked, did not at all push the wealthy, the powerful, and those with the means to provide, a help structure or reprieve, or at most an emergency base for the jobless professionals to cling on to, and probably reach out those who could be living a hardlife in times of El Nino?

With unprepared houses in urban areas, and a lack of contingency offer at the very most important level of government service, the local government has gone quietly unspoken on how to  sustain its own residents beyond the posturing for  glamorized photos.  

Like  providing the essentials such as positioning emergency water stations in many spots in the city that should serve free water to the locals;  or the installation of the emergency "tolda" or shade that can be perused by the people when out on the streets, nothing, no little moves can be felt by the heat battling locals.

Meanwhile, the smart ones who are still piling up on their needs for opportunities could not even fair seek the help being given to those with the right "kapit" connections or community of "beshies" (slang for best friends or alliances), who push help only for those who belong to their fence of supporters, and not to those who have fallen against their favor or status estimation.

Most professionals who fight the lack of employment opportunities, have to heed more challenges in times of El Nino, for there is no true well meaning financial institution that would really cradle them to their broad shoulders and fix the problem caused by discrimination or neglect of employers who could make things better.

We must not allow discrimination in all fronts of services or pick who to side with in times of contingencies and emergencies.

When help and opportunities are  needed, it must be given freely without the need to demand for it.

Regardless if the one who seek help or a trove of opportunities, is jobless or bout fallen.


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