Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Netizens Get Intrigued Over Accent, Citizenship of Bamban, Tarlac Mayor

Netizens on the thread of a popular commenting/ community sharing site, are talking about Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Alice Guo, and they're flooding the topic with such zealousness.

Going as far as how her accent, citizenship and schooling appears  "sus" (slang), with netizens dissecting point by point their concerns about the real background of the now "controversial" mayor.

Some netizens leaped frog on various topics that intrigued them about the mayor, who is now the subject of a Senate investigation related to POGO (Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators).

Deep commenting on the Mayor's less known background which one commenter claimed the mayor seems to have "come out of nowhere", netizens  are going as far as raising issues about the Tarlac mayor's  "accent";  "grammar" and even more prying questions about her "birth certificate".  

Even the local politician's previous homeschooling status, where thrusted into the  commenting site.

The netizens seem to be fixated not just on the controversy she is entangled with, but that they are intrigued that the mayor's surname, does not have mainstream familiarity to the locals, and is  not part of the usual family names that are identifiable to local politics.

NRP May 21, 2024.

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