Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Must Education Be Branded?

Would you consider not just the tuition fees or popular choices in education? Or would you go for a simple name? OR A LEGEND.

When it comes to rank, the top three are the bet. The three-tier structure in popular education precedes the name of the applicant before one is hired.  

If a graduate comes from a "branded" university,  it is safe to assume that one will have a better chance of being hired. To heck with the resume. As an applicant, the name affixed to the resume may not make a dent yet, not the way a school name is put forth in a kind of distinguished manner that can make a graduate proud. 

Out and loud we bark about our school name, yes even if we don't come from the hard knock.

It is after all an education sought after. But what about branded education? How far can one go when one comes from an unsinkable roster of achievers that fill the halls of many respectful institutions and the seats of many offices?  

One is almost compelled to deliver a variance of pitch or meaningful breadth of a pause when one is asked for the school name upon application.  

Use a high pitch, high-strung tone without effort to mention your school if you come from the top three universities or colleges.  

But for the rest of the ordinaries, use or key in only a low pitch tone, almost a denouement voice, without a twang of course, if you come from a usual school that does not belong to the most privileged.

It is a branded education that outpaces others when applying, aside from the "kakilalas" of the few.  In fact, it won't be hard to tell who would also get the best seat at work. 

One applicant from an unbranded institution can pine for "it", that laudable position in all best effort, but the promotion would definitely be won in priority by someone with a branded diploma.

From the differences in pay scale; to the work positions; to being handed the right opportunities for a secured future, a branded education can make things easier for an individual.  What's the use of being a graduate of this knock-knock school, if you cannot pull some strings right? 

But for the many hordes of applicants, who stand by the truth in their resume, the strength of their achievements, and the little references they can front, how do you match a branded name backed by many alumna, bemedalled and most-talked about for their achievement?

However great-- branded education is, it is never an antidote for the prevailing lack of opportunities for the rest of the unemployed. It actually postures an age-old competitive question that confounds any hiring personnel. Would you really go for a Philippine version of an IVY LEAGUE school or would you open your doors to the plain-named applicants?

It has become a legacy of tiered education that makes superficial the same legacy,  that also depletes the opportunities of the many graduates.  Graduates who also want to make a living, not just a superficial name; a worth-your-while employment from their own industry that can be bereft of chances and level-headedness for the rest of the "so-ordinary" Pinoys.

>>>commentary. News Review Philippines 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023

Gear up for the Super Typhoon: TIPS FOR THE "BUCKLE-LISTA"

    As the country awaits the arrival of a super typhoon this Friday night, locals can actually extend more preparation than the usual have of a “go-bag” like the list below:

Local scenery on ordinary days, Cavite City.  Umbrellas like these would still come in handy in any weather. Used for illustrative purpose only. Photo taken by the writer.  

1.     Do your house tasks earlier before sundown.  Otherwise, reschedule things that must be done including outdoor activities.

2.     Keep emergency lights and gadgets near. Emergency rechargeable lights and flashlights, spare batteries, umbrellas, and rain jackets in case of a sudden need to go out arise.

3.     Remember to unplug all appliances should there be an electrical outage.  Be on the low consumption of electricity because fewer tasks can be done during the heavy rain outpour that can be anticipated from a super typhoon.

4.     Monitor news from NGOs and government agencies, and task force assigned for disaster prevention and response.

5.     Create an alternate plan in case there is a need to evacuate from your current house.

6.     Prepare a basic list of customer assistance and emergency hotlines within your reach.

7.     Prepare your meals in advance to avoid inconvenience in food preparations.

8.     Reposition your appliances and furniture that can be submerged in water should there be heavy floods.

9.     Secure your valuables inside the house and do some item-containment or waterproofing of personal but valuable documents.

10. Have ample water reserved on standby for immediate use.

11. Make sure you have access to potable water even in times of the super typhoon. 

Store water in bottles, pitchers even in glass vial batches rather than perusing the usual water storage containers.  

12.  Be creative. Do something else to take your mind from the super typhoon worries, 

and avoid being in panic mode at the height of the typhoon batter.

13. Seek availability of good neighboring assistance in case of obliging emergencies.

14. Include your family in the orientation for calamity preparation and response.

15. Do not hesitate to call authorities, a bare minimum, your local barangay official/s to let them know about your situation should you need extra help that requires a lot of manpower or authoritative assistance.

16. Secure your family’s safety and personal belongings when there is a need to evacuate.

17. Don’t forget to bring your "go-bag" with all the essentials (water, food, blanket, etc) to take with you to the evac center should you opt to relocate.

18.  Have a well-guarded position integrated with super typhoon monitoring in your community.


News Review Philippines 2023

No portion of this blog may be copied, shared, or republished in any format.  Thank you.

lifestyle article/ listicle 



Many days can be reckoned when as an employee and later on as a “freelance writer”, one had to go around asking for a professional 1407. And then knowing the numbers complicate the memory as one would soon have to request for a certificate of tax withheld from the office manager and employees.  

In one instance, asking for proof that one had worked hard and thus deserving of a company document that would benefit an individual with enough dignity as proof of adult professional work, would seem like wading through the waters of waited hope.  

In most instances, asking for an ITR or similar tax documents simply was a hardbound pursuit of the unknown, like an uncharted territory for every professional writer, working on the inside but made to feel like an outsider. It is a situation many decades over, and it still holds real. 

FACT IS, an ITR must be an employer’s responsibility.  Issuing such paper, without further repetitive requests, can establish the reputation and integrity of the company or business owner.  An individual honored and given a paper document that certifies one’s responsibility in looking after his/her own taxes can get enough reason to pursue further productivity and boost the morale of fellow workers.  But because of the ineptitude of many offices, this proof of work of a professional is outskirted by the need to work and meet the demands of the bosses, even without the right paper documents that must be given by them.    

Another fact that would be unforgettable is when freelancers and even sole proprietors (this would not be a single POV but seen from a distance of long queues and many times instances of slight shaming from people who are in power to give such documents),  would be treated like, they have to beat around the bush and had to face an uncertain response when following up on documents from personnel in place to handle such documents.  

Those in power may be un-clued to the fact that those with the documents -- ITR and a permit (in business) are used as a flaunt and taunt approach against others who have none and have not benefited from the same “privilege” of being given this document, thus becoming a status symbol of inconvenience to the ordinary freelancer/ professional.

What happens is, those who can afford and brag wield such documents use them as a reason to outcast others at work, in business, and in opportunities of employment where receipts and permits are asked even by small-time employers and owners.    

Even landlords and commercial space lessors brag about paying their taxes enough to shame ordinary renters and prospective individuals wanting to pursue their professions and businesses.  Documents are shoved and posted on the walls for everyone's fall and beckon. While the rest get a no reply, no response, and  “forget the unwonted” approach by others who have this symbol of status within grasp and exhale from them.

While writers go and find the right people to fix what previous employers neglect,  unminding a need to give and prepare such documents to working professionals, a status symbol is being cemented. 

Sadly, the ITR and the permit have become a STATUS SYMBOL of those who wield influence on others just because they were privileged to be so.

The consequences?  There is an uncertain future for many professionals not just in the writing profession but also in other industries, where they are bereft of a chance to fix their tax documents just because they are a freelancer, contractual, or temp employees, and definitely being treated like a commoner to be unheard and unsupported.  

Must the privilege set who use permit as a symbol of status and a reason to step on others' rights, a norm of a lifestyle? There must be equality of rights, and eye-level rights of access to documents even in the realm of the freelancers and moms trying to work for a living when none of the opportunities are given to them like the wealth “permitted” ones.  

*Based on real-life situations on how things are, in the social setting and scheme of social politics



Thursday, May 25, 2023

You Cannot Give False Hopes to Campus Journalists

 Tread the Future Outside When There Is None on the Inside

It would be full fakeness if we talk about journalism and the media as an industry of ideals. 

One that works for the perfection and devotion of its craft—the skill of writing and the honor to bring news.

Yes, as a nation, we train a lot of writers in the meek stage of their lives. 

The young, hungry idealists who want to build a career out of writing and work towards one of the most vaunted professions.  Training young writers as if the profession is a bed of roses, and that everything will make a difference once one lands a job in the industry of the outspoken.

But in truth, the profession is a dismal career once writers get a hold of the antiquity of such ideals where only the brave are exploited, to work for the truth but not for their rights.

 The "old and the knowing" cannot mislead another generation of hopeful journalists who put their heart and passion into writing.  Because history shows they cannot offer any future or any help in making the lives of journalists better.  

Journalists' jobs are hard to find. Yes, you bet you can encourage a lot of writers to be journalists. But once they are in the industry, the truth could push them to a realization that jobs are wanting and security is nowhere in sight.

Another, as a harbinger of news, young writers are sure to toil a hard day’s work for a story that means to everyone. But by the end of the day, no employer can sustain their needs, from social benefits to suitable and meaningful wages.  Journalists are not paid well. Only those who have access to a heaven of connections in their industry.

We can tell the kids, “Anak go and change the world with your brand of writing.”

But by the end of the day, a look at the industry would fail and dash the hopes of the same journalists and media practitioners who work and fight to make the sector a continuing legacy.

We cannot dismay the future generation of journalists by giving them false hopes of what the industry is like and about. Because we enthuse the young to join the field, leaders must ask their own: "Can we create a better future for the young? Can we give them more employment opportunities that do not deny them dignity and respect from workers of other industries? Can we fight and respect our own writers and journalists?"

Journalists meek and ideal are susceptible to all kinds of criticisms and estimations of others,  that can encompass not only their work but also intrude into their private lives.  They have a high chance of being ostracized and scrutinized by workers from other industries because of the indignity of the pay scale and benefits given to media practitioners.  

But the good ones, those that cannot be bribed and swoon over by the "kakilala" culture in the industry, continue to work in the industry out of choice and love for work. 

But as the older ones who went before them, can everyone be honest and tell the little kids they prod into joining this time around that, there is not much future in an industry where there is won over bias and patronage?  

Hurdle first these truths. Brave your writing. But you cannot brave your future as a journalist.



Monday, May 22, 2023



Sunday, May 21, 2023

Climate Ready Apartments? Count On It When You’re Lessors Can Afford It

This article calls for better tenancy rights imposition in the house rent business amidst the challenges of CLIMATE-CHANGE.

Kids must have access to a house that is ready for climate change, one that is weather-sit friendly. Renting a house must be a sunshine business in the property sector and not a personality-driven business. Featuring a photo of Joseph Ryan B.  With permission from the artist.

Aside from being the next practical thing to have in the Philippines when starting out as newlyweds, Renting an Apartment in the country is the most viable choice, THEN. WHAT ABOUT IN THE FUTURE? 


Since owning a real house and lot could take time, with the bureaucracy and complex processes that make owning a house a “long-wait dream” for individuals, RENTING AN APARTMENT can arguably be the most practicable strategy for adults who are wary of their finances, after the wedding expenses are done.


But the physical conditions and structural limitations of renting an apartment, one that serves as a real house unrestricted in space and conspicuous of modern amenities can, of late take a great deal of investment, not only on the part of the lessor but also on the part of the renters.


The continuing challenges of owning an apartment in the city aside from the exorbitant rates given by lessors of houses; add to this the maintenance upkeep that has to be provided for both ways, all these present economic realities that make house renting extremely thirsty for a quality home space. Because of the struggles lessees can count on in a country where there is no strict regard for TENANT’S RIGHTS.

THE CLIMATE CHANGE sees a need for house renters to have a parcel of space that is live-able, and climate-friendly. One that can withstand heavy rains, floods, and hot humid weather.


If location is a DISPENSIBLE variable for the renters to consider in their selection of house to rent in, AT LEAST THE ACCEPTABLE STANDARD that must be taken into account is whether THE HOUSE IS:


·   Weather-prepared

·      Flood-Proof

·      And can defend the stayers from the harsh climate whether indoors or outdoors at any given date and time. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

The gods of Philippine Media and the Displacement of Media Workers


 It's not just a job or a name, to be profiteered.

In the Philippines, press freedom is a highly-vaunted democracy hallmark, even the ordinary spreaders of mass media claim to have and hold.    It is liberty that takes its root from stories of inequality and the springing of ideals of a genuine media raring to be heard.

Many years after Edsa 1, the proliferation of media companies came with utmost freedom that even smaller media outfits were born to bolster the newsstands with daily issues in printed form. But the back story of every media company is how it creates its own, from the hiring and how it retains its “press ideals” in order to protect the rights of its workers pursuing true expression of opinion and balanced news.

In the very industry where writers and media practitioners are divided by purpose—a practice of  profession; a pursuit of entitlement or a commercial venture for the profit of select investors- there exists selective favor among the employees that begin way before actual employment. 

How an employee is hired including how writers are chosen, is a standardized process but could have leaning for select individuals. The question to ask is who is to benefit from the applicant the most? Is it an immediate need to be sought or to further the interest of an old-timer in a media corporation or of the owner; the Editor-in-Chief or the stable of editors. Thus, the one at the end of the hiring process would have to deal with the challenges of working in a company with a conglomerate of interests.  The same reason employees dare not ask for additional incentives or demand stability of employment is that they know they would not be heard or favored.  The method of selection can be unmindful of the fact that some media practitioners could have a more straight-on degree and have taken lifelong training to make it far in the industry.  

But this should not be the case.

Another issue faced by writers that can spell a bleak future for them is that copyrights may not even matter to the company.  Thus, for a writer, the actual inequality and injustice begin with how the copyrights and the byline is used and published, by the media company

A writer’s byline can be placed and used by the employer, without assurance of continued exclusivity of use by the writer, Since this issue is never discussed and is gently swept under the rug within a team who comprises an influential facet of a media company.  


Going back to job-hunting in the media industry, relatives of media practitioners who manage to get in or who have been “hanging” embedded in the workplace, those whose name has been deeply ingrained due to longevity of service, could get better benefits than media practitioners who do not have a backer, political recommendation or clout. 

The “kakilalas of the kakilala system”, (In English: “I know so and so…”) opening statement when applying for a job, is a conditional but shorter way to get in.  The old-timers may totally want this for easy hiring and better  attitude that can be exacted from the team to work, to their advantage. The debt of gratitude from the “kakilala” is never spoken of but is expected to be observed.

And this favor must be shown without the need to elaborate further. Thus, those who pass through the backdoor of employment ultimately have the recommender’s interest in hindsight, afraid to lose an opportunity or job. While the solo flight writer continues to grip this old system that treats writers like unwanted employees, as solo flights who are hired because they’re waif-ed enough to be young or capable to attract advertising.  

Sometimes the name of a would-be applicant is a precursor for employment. If one has a familiar-sounding name of a politician, a celebrity, or someone with enough prestige to be given space or work,  then heaven is well-bent for that doe-eyed practitioner —who can now brag about being in media even, if one has been trained and learned from a different industry or line of work. 

This slimming of lines across industries to come up with an ensemble of writers and staff to form a media company is ideal for the Editor-In-Chief and the media owner.

But this method of selection may not always be fair to the aggregate well-being of common employees or applicants who want a fair share of chance in working for the industry.


At times, old workers of media companies, when deciding on a hiatus from work, would no longer find a vacancy in the same media industry. This is due to a lack of available jobs or preferential attitudes towards hiring newer, younger applicants; and that leaning toward a “landed” professional who could work for better profits or polish a media brand.

The problem with inequality, and bias in the staff selection process, which centers on separating the  “distinguished” from the generic names is that, talent and work experience can take a backseat to favor names with recall.

To frankly state, the work experience and the need for employment of a media worker may not be considered by hiring personnel.  Thus, the success rate for being employed by a media company whether as an old-timer or newcomer is very slim. Further this with the impact of politics in business and business in politics which can also play against writers. This was the reality then, and this is still the same speak for an old-timer. 

Mass Comm practitioners have a losing edge in getting a job in the same industry, as they have to compete for the same slots that Journalism Grads, Organization Communication degree holders, and Political Science graduates also compete for. This is aside from the fact that only the graduates from the top three schools are mostly entertained, even at the first level of resume screening for media employees.

Ultimately as mentioned earlier, the only number 1 consideration for accepting an applicant for a specific media position is based on a lot of considerations but not without inequality and bias in the hiring phase.

Many writers who manage to hold on to a job in a media company, no matter what competence one has, may not necessarily benefit from the same profession.  Writers’ benefits are conditional and mostly unavailable. There is no insurance benefits, allowances, miscellaneous or travel budgets; or even bonuses that can be made available to the writer/ employee. Unless one is well-connected to the gods of the media industry.

The gods of the media industry are those who hide behind the tables of their positions, unperturbed by the challenges of employment security and company policies. But they can be satisfied enough to stay because they benefit from their connections or status gratifications. 

In an industry loaded with bias and where kinship and patronage are highly-practiced,  Philippine writers are in a dearth of opportunities no matter what age or civil status they are in.  Thus, the old adage that press freedom is an inviolable right may not always have a positive connotation when the very rights of writers and workers in the media industry are themselves, not free to practice having a profession. Or be secured once and for all to enjoy gainful employment.

This is made possible by the padrino system that is observed by the beso-beso-loving advertising executives; the unmoved editors;  and by the strategizing EIC or media executive who value profits more to cause the demeaning of talented writers who are the more truly passionate media practitioners.


Copyright 2023 Philippines


Thursday, May 18, 2023


 Hello, are you there?


How has your utility service provider been in times of the pandemic?  With these, the specific utilities being pointed out here are the necessities that provide consumers with the dignity of lifestyle—those utilities which allow the public to live with convenience even in times of pandemic.

Credit must be given to most companies as there have been efforts to provide continuous service to the locals even when a global health pandemic was happening. We could not thank enough the people behind these companies, especially the telcos, which made the shift to digital schooling possible.

However, there is room for improvement that must be initiated by essential providers which have been neglected intermittently at the height of the COVID-19 situation. Herein the frailty of  CUSTOMER SERVICE in crisis situations when most numbers and means of reaching out to express complaints faltered many times.

At the height of the pandemic, the face of service of each utility company was the hotline and phone numbers posted on their company websites that were readily accessible to netizens.  But surreal to say, hotline numbers of many offices, those published for the public to peruse, can be tagged as unavailable and non-responsive.

One cable company cannot be reached at all for immediate service complaints.  Another telephone company had to be called often due to a lagging internet connection. Even when push for subscription modifications have been “drummed up” by random marketers calling for the telephone company.

Regarding the reliability of the water service connections,  it is good that advisories are given out regularly.  But frequent interruptions have become the norm even before El Nino was announced. Also in many instances, announcements of water disruptions did not come early enough for consumers to prepare.  

There cannot be a perfect continuity of service from utility companies.  This is a given.  But when it comes to manning hotlines, there is an obvious need to retain more than a skeletal force to attend to customers.

What has been the trend, when customers reach out for follow-ups, was a machine-run voice prompt would take the incoming call, and customers were left to wait, or be waited for proper dial-up directions, making the service complaints and follow-ups,  a waste of wait.    

CUSTOMER SERVICE is a front-runner of good reputational building for many companies. This aspect lagged behind when the public was served with too often service interruptions of utilities, at the household level.

>>> Commentary. News Review Philippines 2023.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023



Donate Before An Interview, "No Pressure" Polite Scheme For Applicants

But where are the (actual) job vacancies?

The photo shows an outside sign at a local convenience store announcing a job vacancy (used for purposes of reference). Job announcements like this hung at actual addresses seem to be more tangible than the advertisements on job resource sites these days.

When work-from-home employment agreements have become a custom standard at the start of the pandemic, it seemed like a long-awaited move by those who propose that a better quality of life would be achieved when work is not as routinary and is set on a more relaxed “remote” space. This way a  worker can blend home life and career together.

But there is one issue that needs to be fixed with the wider acceptance of work-from-home offers of employers. And this is the issue of job security.   

Whether or not the threat to the tenancy of work can be seen as a causality of the pandemic or an effect of low or reduced productivity of the worker when a home-based arrangement is implemented, the security of workers must be guaranteed even in non-traditional work reporting.  

 The truth of the matter, there is no assurance of longevity of tenure at a time when the longest-running companies are also folding up. While some companies have no need to pack up yet, the rest of the “fighters” try to keep afloat by downgrading their number of employees.

 Another factor that poses a threat to the availability and security of employment locally is when Filipino workers are considered "less qualified" to compete for work positions against foreign nationalities. 

The latter are perceived to be better trained and well-invested in their industries.  Some employers prefer foreign hires against local applicants resulting in the denudation of work opportunities right in a country where Filipinos must have a vantage point.

Moreover, these are the job-hunting realities that workers must have ideas on:

1)     Job security is threatened by the shift in strategies of HR staff. Instead of getting an applicant right away to fill in positions, and posit an INTERVIEW OR PRELIMINARY EXAM, the posture of a good number of hiring personnel is to bank the "unbanked" resumes.  

      Could it be that this is to profile applicants only without telling if the efforts of HR personnel found on job sites, are to hold on to applications only or "future call" the prospective workers?  

      But if there is no real, tangible likeability for future calls, could there be a freeze hire in effect? If there is, why the need to call for applicants like a casting call for the ingenue?  

      HR personnel chooses to savor a period of lull in hiring and wait for more applicants to measure against a vacancy or soon-to-be-vacant post. 

Herein the turnover may be affected because of the wait for applicants that fit in their bill of employers' preferences.

2)  Employment opportunities are further slimmed down by the proliferation of sites that hound on applicants to try but cannot offer tangible jobs except an offer to network; to be seen in one community identified with a certain industry; or afford workers the opportunity to share their qualifications in a social media, in a job resource platform that is influenced by metrics, post likes and search optimization. 

These facts actually affect the prospects of an applicant landing a job offer. We know for a fact ranking applicants' popularity must not be a norm for hiring.   Because numbers do not know faces and values except page views. 

 Another approach to the screening of applicants that slurs fairness is the use of platform-based meeting sites that prompt users to send donations, to the account holder (here the account holder is the screening personnel or HR staff).   

This "donate-at-your-goodwill" maneuver can be downplayed by some.  But when done to prequel a job interview process, applicants can interpret the interview as a lamentable requirement, prior to being hired. It is because the meeting app politely asks for donations to be credited via a call-to-action button, to favor the platform subscriber and not the job applicant. 

3)  Having a tendency to select applicants who can "give" monetary donations; give preferential points to workers on the basis of nationality; or lean towards those who can give positive reputation positioning of HR personnel, over those who need the job more or are qualified yet with local work experience only, redounds to partiality in the hiring process. 


Count the number of your applications, unemployed hopefuls. A tell-tale sign of the real situation beyond the surveys.

 >>> Commentary. News Review Philippines

Friday, May 12, 2023



There is nothing more frustrating as a professional, with titular accomplishments than to find no job, no work even when one is capable of working, especially now that the traditional office has shifted to a work-from-home arrangement.

The Reel Deal

It was a too-honest, too big of a deal offer, which came on the heels of a pandemic. Workers have been assured the better promise from employers of work continuity for some industries.

But the bitter gourd to swallow is that this promise is all too “ideal” to be waited by Filipinos. 

Finding employment in the Philippines seems to be a clickbait promise reserved only for the younger workers, who have no previous work experience, and are thus not in a position to make demands for their right benefits; or have a right recourse should they not be given the right salary.

Hiring personnel these days seemed to hide at the back of convenience of enjoying a  work-from-home arrangement that getting an email or confirmatory response to applications seems to be as vague as the Internet of Promise.

Where the Jobs Are Posted

Currently, there are a few established, creditable sites in the country that offer job resources and recommendations for job openings.* One is an international job-hunting site that is the most “branded” and widely respected, but whose core focus of late is providing an avenue for communications and training for workers, offering real and tangible employment from employers.

The other is almost a vintage site for job hunters which manages to make itself relatable and in tune with the times but cannot offer tangible prospects either, except that it can put your resume in a reservoir, along with other resumes.

And the third popular job-hunting site is less popular compared to the pioneer job-hunting site previously mentioned.

But this site for employers looking for the right personnel,  was the most aggressive in responding to applications, and very competitive in terms of giving examinations to applicants.

However, this third recommendable job resource's promise of openings for job hunters remains a work in wonder. If there is one prospect for getting a job on this site, it is after all in an industry that one would evade the most as a professional—the insurance industry.

So where do applicants and prospective middle-age workers go, when the bias is already working against them? There is a bias and this cannot be denied. 

More Than Just A Game

Perhaps employers would find them in game streaming sites, where the brightest professionals are haunting for nice paying jobs. But what remains a mystery is how game streaming can support workers financially and in the long run, given the volatility of online employment.

For many middle-aged professionals, working for the industry of their choice is their only means of livelihood. This familiarity with their industry and the highly-specialized skills gained from their job can make it difficult for older workers to be flexible and "jump ship" to another industry.

Is there hope for workers with specialized training and skills to find a job online or is a real-world job a matter of luck and chance depending on the goodwill of corporations and hiring personnel?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Edited May 16, 2023. News Review Philippines

*The writer welcomes community/readers' input for this portion or statement.

>>>commentary.   News Review Philippines 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 Pa-sample ng isang “spammer-scammer-or-simply-entrepreneurial”?


To comply with the mandate of the SIM REGISTRATION LAW, a lot of us hurried to fulfill the requirements. Even when a number of criticisms can be raised against the new law (Republic Act 11934).

And besting the silence in my quiet corner, this writer recently got an out-of-line call.

The call was made on my mobile and the other man, upon hearing my voice said, “baka gusto ninyong magpalit ng sim. Nagbebenta ako.”

Something to this effect.

Caught by surprise, was a reply on my end: “Where did you get my number?”.

The man revealed it was from a list. More like the information about my mobile was fished right out.

I cannot understate the man’s impudent gesture. It was like a zero-in.

Let’s further this on the side of how complaints are supposed to be handled by the right personnel or authorities, whom local subscribers go to when a spam/scam or anonymous call is done.

There is an actual call to action at the National Telecommunications website that advises the public where to send a complaint, and this can be done via text.

The site also protrudes an email address where ordinary Filipinos can send their complaints.  

Expectedly, all that could be gotten from sending a complaint to the address given is an NR (no reaction), as of posting time.

However, a response is awaited from the National Telecommunications Commission “hotline”, is not the real issue.

The pressing concern is whether a government office expected by the public to act on a complaint, does have the capability and required number of personnel to resolve issues about spamming and scamming as reported.

Based on the NR received,  complaining about a spam call/ fraudulent sim seller seems like a trivial inconvenience to make.

In another instance, having been on the receiving end of spam messages many times prior to the call received from a pushy sim seller, complaining about such also did not benefit a reply from a mobile services provider.

This site is open to comments and reactions regarding this issue.



Monday, May 8, 2023



Modernization has taken its toll on the way the lessons are being given through the blended learning approach, which presents a duality of methods that incorporate face-to-face classes with online learning. THIS DUALITY HAS PAVED THE WAY FOR COMPLICATIONS AND ENCROACHMENT OF STUDENTS' RIGHTS THAT EDUCATORS MAY NOT HAVE FORESEEN, OR HAVE YET TO BE RESOLVED AS A MATTER OF TEACHING OR INSTRUCTIONAL POLICY. 

With homeschool learning, the students are required to log in and make use of online collaborative tool and meeting platforms that are originally conceptualized and tailored to serve professionals and workers, which were later on used to have beneficial applications in the academe.

But this approach to online learning, the use of multi-platform apps, presents complications that could vague the other rights of the schoolers, in order to pursue quality education.

With the use of online learning methods, learners are required to use the camera and reveal a homeschooling setup that may inadvertently expose the privacy of a home to others. 

Apart from this, other weaknesses of online learning relate to the uncontrolled factors that could affect the learning of a child. 

Such as in the case of audio interferences during online learning and discussions that are not always preventable as most houses in the Philippines are not properly tailored and customized to handle a perfectly digital online school arrangement. 

Moreover, the situational condition of a learner’s “neighboring space” would also be beyond the control of anyone geared for online learning.  

Simple noise, traffic commotion, and sound interference in and outside the house can provide additional distractions to homeschooling, and much more to quality learning.

As parents living in the digital age, we are at sufficient knowledge that no modern app or online environment in the world is totally 100 percent safe.

Exposing learners to camera use and other applications online does not only take away a kid’s right to discriminate against camera use because in this case, a school chooses its matter of SOP policy in the learning integration vis-a-vis the use of technology.  

In addition, apps available online have different levels of technicality and hardware requirements.  An ordinary school/ homeschool setup, may not be readily prepared to meet the demands of such technicality, much more to the comprehension of a young learner.

A case in point is a video meeting application (without prejudgment or bias against a specific app),  that requires a great level of technicality.  

A school must take the presumption that nuances in the use of modern apps can complicate a child’s focus and pique interest more in the use of technology, which can dissonate a learner from spending time, learning the core subjects, which educators would like to prioritize on.




More Disadvantages of Using Apps in Online Learning


THE USE OF SEEMINGLY INNOCENT, COLLABORATIVE APPS CAN BE EXPLOITED FOR PROFIT WHEN LEFT IN THE WRONG HANDS or when an educator pursues this, without a full vista on how the use of such collaborative apps, can affect the learners' copyrights.  


Thus, the Department of Education must regulate and peer review the methods of educational institutions and learning centers, in endorsing the use of technology, specifically in the use of apps that may not be congruent with familiar methods of LEARNING.

It must take a slow review in allowing the use and endorsement of apps, with a purpose.

The use of specific apps in classrooms or online learning MUST NEVER BE OBLIGATORY-- OR  RULE OF USE AND IMPLEMENTATION IN EDUCATION.


If it is true learning that we target to focus on STEM strengths, every educator must know when to discriminate; when to use technology; and when to simplify or amplify.

As parents, we cannot allow kids to accept and learn everything that are available online beyond our reproach and scrutiny.  On the school level, educators must know how to redefine its hold as an educator; and not as an encroacher of the other rights of the learner/s, geared towards blended learning at the time of the new normal.


Commentary/ The writer is open for further debate, comment, and discussion on this post.


 >>>>> No part of this post may be shared or printed without permission from the author.

Copyrights 2023


minor edit time and date stamp: 7:36pm/ by the writer 050823

Friday, May 5, 2023

Go Negosyo Founder Stresses: Time to Focus on the Economy

In a press release dated May 5, 2023, the indefatigable Go Negosyo Founder, JOEY CONCEPCION, highlighted the importance of reverting back to normalcy by boosting tourism and investments in the country.  

Even at the onset of a new Covid variant that raised concern among the public, the "defender of micro-entrepreneurship" believes it’s time to focus back on tourism. 

CONCEPCION reiterated tourists and investors must not be given reasons to have "second doubts" about the country's preparedness to mitigate the effects of COVID.   He also emphasized the potential for more robust local tourism, which would be supported by Go Negosyo--a benchmark of Mr. Joey Concepcion’s accomplishments.  

GO NEGOSYO heralds this renewed enthusiasm for local tourism via a Tourism Summit this May 6, to be held in Cebu. It is anticipated to be attended by key tourism officials, businessmen, influencers, and vloggers.



Thursday, May 4, 2023



As I was rummaging through a pile of bills,  novelty keeps, and receipts included, I remembered a task I vowed to make at the height of the “receipts” flaunting trend last holiday season. It was when consumers complained about the rising prices of commodities.

The prices of primary commodities seemed to have taken a bad turn last year when I noticed the prices of cooking oil had gone up to Php 400 per bottle (let’s not name the brand). 

In another grocery shopping anecdote of mine, we were poised to have mungo beans (small green legumes), this mom was about to cook in a hush, where to my surprise, I noticed the packs of mungo beans that we’d been sold with, has become so tiny-- I might need a magnifier (not using “hyperbole” here), to see the actual beans up close.  It almost looked very small when cupped by the hand.

In another, I recall having gotten a pack of a popular candy brand from a mall, which we bought for Php 200.  But alas, upon going home we found out, the contents of the pack were all melted.

What price, and what quality these days do we have to contend with, as ordinary consumers?

Whether we can buy the item for the price we want, or for the quality we can afford, the better know should be-- how much are we paying for the items we usually need at home? And are these fairly affordable for the regular Pinoys?

Receipts can give a footprint on how merchants “categorize” and market their goods.

Is a grocery item made affordable or is it priced exorbitantly,  when there must be food at the table for those thirsty for fairness, in a household of the ordinary?

More on this “keeping tab of food receipts”, in 2010, the prices of LPG were at around

Php 629.00 (March 2010). Today, LPG (based on published estimated prices when rounded off), can fetch between Php 900 to 1100. 

            Still from the same year as a point of reference, onions (sibuyas) can be bought at Php 50.00 per kilo. We all know the price of onions has gone up and even peaked as high as the price of beef meat per kilo.  What absurdity, what highness. 

While the good ‘ole “lomi” noodle from our favorite eatery used to cost Php 68.00 per order in 2010, now its most affordable price is at Php 165.00. Surely, we must “cherish” the times we used to enjoy more affordable food as Filipinos.

Understandably prime commodities have taken a lot of the brunt because of the global pandemic that dramatically affected the economy.  But how long can consumers settle for  such “real as it gets” pompous food prices?

While others can still have a luxury stay at their favorite hotel for summer; or while some can brag about their “vacation” on social media as if to defeat the true trend of consumer spending, many middle-aged moms or even the dad’s themselves, could actually be treasure-hunting for the best, lowest prices to buy their necessities from. We all have to reel the feel, at times!



Monday, May 1, 2023

When Comments Throttle, Would You Make Space For the Side Watchers?



At the start of the pandemic, as I read fleetingly social media sites, there was one thing I noticed in the local culture that could not be heard, found, or read in the era before the 2010s when social media is not yet peaked in popularity.

The rise of “throttle commenting”. Throttle commenting are sharp comments, given by followers, readers sometimes in an anonymous style, to social media pages and accounts.

The comments can vary from being frank and callous, to "personal"; at times laced with invectives;  to downright repulsive.

You’d wonder after reading and gulping social comments, without restraint (they are not just on social media by the way, sometimes you can find throttle comments on e-commerce platforms as well), if it is a “way of life” in the country.  

It is hard not to balk and wonder: "What hard life social media users in such stride, have come to survive real-world challenges, enough for them to jump on others' pages to “throttle?”. 

There is more to throttle commenters than meet the eye.

Sometimes they bond with others from their flock to brag or intimidate in their comment conquests as if it’s a badge of honor to do so.

Others do the blunt commenting in opposition to the subject, post, or content that is published.

But most of the time, the comments that fall by the throttle come from a personal bias; or ineptitude to be courteous.

Sometimes they want attention to their own profiles and that is how they want it.

In one study, social media use in the Philippines rose by up to 60 percent at the time of the pandemic.

The prospects of more people joining social media could still improve, what with the lack of available opportunities in the country, which pushes locals to find work that is non-traditional.  Social media seems to be a good haunt for this.

Romanticize this idea further and one imperceptive social media throttler could find, there are not many opportunities as well, no matter how you leap page by page on socials.  

And all that’s left are celebrity pages, for throttle commenters to join and follow, so they can get their share of the spotlight or attention.

Don’t get me wrong, comments are fine.

In the industry I worked for, it is an element of press freedom that makes it, “democratic”.

In a way commenting allows for the open sharing of opinion; but the boundary is, opinions must be issues-based before it sees print. It must not be meant to slur or demoralize another.

Most of the time, the throttle commenters are unemployed or have more time to lurk on social media.

Social media lurking is when hours and hours of time are spent on the internet.  Some, they like to take “prize on” on social media sites, like the disgruntled ones who want to pry into others' lifestyles.  

But the disgruntled commenters which is the nature of throttle commenters, are most likely reeling from another feel- the unavailability of opportunities that cannot be found by them.

Tip of the Iceberg: The rise of commenters is reflective of unemployment

Job hunting in the real world is not easy when you’re middle-aged.

But even the young, who are capable of doing the job, can find it hard to land on one.

At times, the unemployed choose to relegate themselves to odd jobs that have no professional dignity; but they accept jobs less than expected to tend and fend for their families.  They are the ones who have most of the hurt as throttle commenters. And one cannot miss out on them.

If “matatag na trabaho” is a phrase in the theme of this year’s Labor Day celebration, that is an idealized dream that cannot be held by the unemployed.

Plenty of throttle commenters live hawking at jobs, they want. But cannot have. 

Albeit even a professional must have suffered from “lost opportunities”, and an unstable job that one has no choice but to bear.

One industry practitioner I know simply dumped the idea of working for the industry she trained for and chose another industry to work at.  Another had to maintain a job and get a "sideline" (others call it a side hustle), while off-work. These are able people trying to make amends for the situations as "workers".

In a statement made by the Department of Labor and Unemployment, the unemployment rate is pegged at 4.8 percent up to February 2023 from 6.4 percent of February 2022, in a media release entitled, “February 2023 LFS reflects improving employment situation…”, dated April 15, 2023. It also claims the labor market is “beyond the recovery stage”. A very optimistic stance on the dismal rate of employers’ response to applications in the real and online world.

At the time of the pandemic, the prospects of online work were much harked about, but it was less of a truth that cannot be found.

In most job sites, resumes are simply “banked” and filed. Response rates to applications would be fast at times, but not promising.

And when a positive response is achieved in an application, the next that ensues is a less-than-encouraging interview and examinations, where the applicant is prompted to take an exam or be privy to an interview that briefs the applicant on the real status of employment benefits.

“This company does not have good benefits it only gives the basics…” one HR personnel shared in one plight or fly attempt to find employment online in what seems to be a stable company.

This is just one.  Meanwhile, another step in the employment process is to “submit samples of work” or portfolio, which is most of the time, primed for the employer to read and be selected; but the applicants’ resume and portfolio seem like “collateral” for finding work in vain. 

There are many scenarios in job hunting that add a burden to the realities of why the unemployed continued to be. 

The DOLE as a recourse, must pry on the why’s or the how’s employers limit, sift through, or filter applications.  

Is there a standard, a rigid standard being followed in giving employment to an individual or is there a bias in giving one?

The truth is, many jobs locally are fished by a “kakilala” or through job recommendations that do not make it fair for the rest of the applicants. 

It is only in the contractualized work that somehow, many can get a fair share of treatment from HR personnel.  In a way, this way of being employed gives workers opportunities, albeit in the short term.  But it is also not really being “fair”, as it does not give security of tenure as a worker.  


Most of the throttle commenters can afford to hound on personalities and account owners of social media sites because they have loose time to waste.  But what we need to ask is, “Are they part of the unemployed, that gives social media its landscape of influence? 

The disparity between the employed and the unemployed is reflected well in the commenting ways of the side watchers on social media. This is what job providers need to resolve, to make social media in the line of truth and "educated" commenting.




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