Friday, May 26, 2023



Many days can be reckoned when as an employee and later on as a “freelance writer”, one had to go around asking for a professional 1407. And then knowing the numbers complicate the memory as one would soon have to request for a certificate of tax withheld from the office manager and employees.  

In one instance, asking for proof that one had worked hard and thus deserving of a company document that would benefit an individual with enough dignity as proof of adult professional work, would seem like wading through the waters of waited hope.  

In most instances, asking for an ITR or similar tax documents simply was a hardbound pursuit of the unknown, like an uncharted territory for every professional writer, working on the inside but made to feel like an outsider. It is a situation many decades over, and it still holds real. 

FACT IS, an ITR must be an employer’s responsibility.  Issuing such paper, without further repetitive requests, can establish the reputation and integrity of the company or business owner.  An individual honored and given a paper document that certifies one’s responsibility in looking after his/her own taxes can get enough reason to pursue further productivity and boost the morale of fellow workers.  But because of the ineptitude of many offices, this proof of work of a professional is outskirted by the need to work and meet the demands of the bosses, even without the right paper documents that must be given by them.    

Another fact that would be unforgettable is when freelancers and even sole proprietors (this would not be a single POV but seen from a distance of long queues and many times instances of slight shaming from people who are in power to give such documents),  would be treated like, they have to beat around the bush and had to face an uncertain response when following up on documents from personnel in place to handle such documents.  

Those in power may be un-clued to the fact that those with the documents -- ITR and a permit (in business) are used as a flaunt and taunt approach against others who have none and have not benefited from the same “privilege” of being given this document, thus becoming a status symbol of inconvenience to the ordinary freelancer/ professional.

What happens is, those who can afford and brag wield such documents use them as a reason to outcast others at work, in business, and in opportunities of employment where receipts and permits are asked even by small-time employers and owners.    

Even landlords and commercial space lessors brag about paying their taxes enough to shame ordinary renters and prospective individuals wanting to pursue their professions and businesses.  Documents are shoved and posted on the walls for everyone's fall and beckon. While the rest get a no reply, no response, and  “forget the unwonted” approach by others who have this symbol of status within grasp and exhale from them.

While writers go and find the right people to fix what previous employers neglect,  unminding a need to give and prepare such documents to working professionals, a status symbol is being cemented. 

Sadly, the ITR and the permit have become a STATUS SYMBOL of those who wield influence on others just because they were privileged to be so.

The consequences?  There is an uncertain future for many professionals not just in the writing profession but also in other industries, where they are bereft of a chance to fix their tax documents just because they are a freelancer, contractual, or temp employees, and definitely being treated like a commoner to be unheard and unsupported.  

Must the privilege set who use permit as a symbol of status and a reason to step on others' rights, a norm of a lifestyle? There must be equality of rights, and eye-level rights of access to documents even in the realm of the freelancers and moms trying to work for a living when none of the opportunities are given to them like the wealth “permitted” ones.  

*Based on real-life situations on how things are, in the social setting and scheme of social politics



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