Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 Pa-sample ng isang “spammer-scammer-or-simply-entrepreneurial”?


To comply with the mandate of the SIM REGISTRATION LAW, a lot of us hurried to fulfill the requirements. Even when a number of criticisms can be raised against the new law (Republic Act 11934).

And besting the silence in my quiet corner, this writer recently got an out-of-line call.

The call was made on my mobile and the other man, upon hearing my voice said, “baka gusto ninyong magpalit ng sim. Nagbebenta ako.”

Something to this effect.

Caught by surprise, was a reply on my end: “Where did you get my number?”.

The man revealed it was from a list. More like the information about my mobile was fished right out.

I cannot understate the man’s impudent gesture. It was like a zero-in.

Let’s further this on the side of how complaints are supposed to be handled by the right personnel or authorities, whom local subscribers go to when a spam/scam or anonymous call is done.

There is an actual call to action at the National Telecommunications website that advises the public where to send a complaint, and this can be done via text.

The site also protrudes an email address where ordinary Filipinos can send their complaints.  

Expectedly, all that could be gotten from sending a complaint to the address given is an NR (no reaction), as of posting time.

However, a response is awaited from the National Telecommunications Commission “hotline”, is not the real issue.

The pressing concern is whether a government office expected by the public to act on a complaint, does have the capability and required number of personnel to resolve issues about spamming and scamming as reported.

Based on the NR received,  complaining about a spam call/ fraudulent sim seller seems like a trivial inconvenience to make.

In another instance, having been on the receiving end of spam messages many times prior to the call received from a pushy sim seller, complaining about such also did not benefit a reply from a mobile services provider.

This site is open to comments and reactions regarding this issue.



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