Part two of a series.
This article is written to increase awareness on the risks of hiring private or family drivers who are abusive of their profession, and who observe malpractices against their employers or the very clients they serve.
Part two of a series.
This article is written to increase awareness on the risks of hiring private or family drivers who are abusive of their profession, and who observe malpractices against their employers or the very clients they serve.
Staring at the issues in the eyes of the ordinary.
Admit it, the one who holds the steering wheel holds the power over the machine. Here in this case said in the context of a driver maneuvering the car wheel to lead the direction on the street.
But what can beguile the ordinary is how ordinary drivers are placed or misplaced in the position of control over other free individuals, who patronize their services or hire them for regular employment.
Just about less than two weeks a driver without the blink of an eye, belittled, shouted and insulted another freelance driver without hold of sentiment as he tried to lord over the new driver simply asserting the former should be given priority in space and respect. Shout with matching point fingers to the face of the newbie hired freelancer driver who showed stillness while the incident is being done.
The veteran driver probably took it upon himself that he could castigate a younger driver like a super boss, and this is done in front of the actual client who hired the newbie freelancer for a day's driver.
It is not an insolated incident as the driver has always displayed a condescend attitude towards his own employer, and postures himself as the lord of the household where he is given free board and meals, for he is without abode.
In another show of driver attitude, this time by a professional driver instructor against a student/client of a driver school,
a young driver instructor on the second day of lesson, without brake and respect, demeaned and belittled the woman driver/learner, for not being able to park or learn how to park the vehicle well, despite rigorous instructions.
The verbal tirade against the student was not just disrespectful but utterly humiliating as it was done in front of other drivers, with the driving school instructor trying to compose himself as if he is siding with his own brotherhood of fraternity, that they should witness him "scolding" the old student driver/learner.
The incident went unreported for it remains a futile endeavour to complain at a time when the local situation in the country is not at all favouring the customers, the women, and the target of biased individuals who are preyed on for shaming just because they wanted to up their status, or be recognized for being smart, probably a display of machismo attitude or a hate show for whatever reason the local shores are allowing them; because complaints are not welcomed against local employees, when they are in the position of "power" here said in the context of owning the stature of being the employed and the more skilled, a need of the country against a backdrop of thirst for decent and respectable skilled workers.
It is a true show of disloyalty for the loyal, that as stakeholders who spend and invest, hire the workers or patronize services of business, companies and individuals, as paying customers the clients and private employers are treated like women without dignity, forlorn to the shadows of shame and ridicule by the men who hold the steer wheel, for a show of detest for the "unlikeable"; against the women who cannot bow to their brag or thirst for status.
Attention LTO (Land Transportation Office), there must be a revival of goodness where it concerns drivers' training and ethics, before they merit a professional driver's license from the LTO to engage in a profession or service.
NRP commentary.
Is it SOP or subjective bias by a local? Make it loud.
"May isa ka pa nito? Translation: Do you still have one of this? The postal office employee curtly asks for a copy of the letter that is the content of an envelope requested sent overseas with implied assurance of confidentiality. Naturally , the writer expects the postal employee must have known that there must be respect for privacy of communication.
Seems like there is none in the city of Laspinas, postal office,specifically where it concerns handling official letter or correspondence addressed to an official that is chosen not to be named in this post.
The thing is, the postal employee could have gotten away with her seemingly benign request to have a copy of the letter that is to be sent abroad.
But this is second time that the local postal office in two separate incidents, had asked for one. In previous attempts, also a copy was requested before the letter was sent out, implying a sort of restriction imposed against the sender.
The sender of the letter happens to be a writer and a full time homemaker who has been targeted already with a lot of hate language, shame and slur ever since she chose to reside in the city of Laspinas.
But this time, the letter is not an ordinary one that can simply be dispelled, hence the sublime bias cannot be taken for granted.
After the blatant request, the postal employee simply asked for the sender to write the address again on the parcel, in an unapologetic way, as if what she asked for that could threaten the privacy of communication, was not at all an issue for anyone.
There seems to be a pervasive disrespect for media and the jobless locally that one who is often seen in the outskirts of public acceptance or usual expectations, are often relegated to a cold shoulder treatment and discourtesy by the locals.
NRP news
You'll never guess how easy it is to be likeable when everyone is on a distance.
For years I have been wracking my brains how to up my posts with a like or follow.
Not for popularity but to know the mindset of the anonymous reader, how a person reacts to a post, or what drives an individual to "like".
In the personal reel of daily interactions, being liked seems to be easy.
One just have to look presentable, and be up to the standards of everyone else's estimation.
But in the real scheme of things, bias and stereotypes abound personal conversations and interactions, where one can be labeled as a nobody, or a somebody.
Someone to friend or someone to unlike.
I know one personality who took a career path reserved for the unique, and grew a base of followers and supporters by way insulting his own or mouthing trivias about another.
Like making fun of others' mistakes, punctuating how they are to be laughed. This personality won popularity and gained friends by insulting his own circle.
Recently an anecdote taught me it is also true for others. And could be true for even an outcast.
In a jest I made a comment on my own kin, in front of another, pointing out how my kin, has acted in an awkward way.
This tactless comment changed the anonymous face of the person in front of me as if liking that I insulted my own.
Suddenly the person who was anonymous and acted always with a stolid face, showed gladness and smiles, when I spoke a careless slur, not for anything and not to gain a like.
For once, I drew a welcoming reaction by being negative towards another.
It is a puzzle that some had to grow words that taint another's image in order to be likeable.
It is I suppose an unnecessary human interaction locally that signals, to win favor one must to step on another, to climb a bit higher.
It is not for the faint hearted though.
@social commentary/ lifestyle.
social commentary.
Of False Humility and Bloated Egos
Porridge for the rich.The new face of tyranny for the service of the ordinary.
In an era of crunch savings and hurried investments, when everyone seems to want recoup what they lost during the pandemic, one product offering discounts to members seem to have done a great deal of good vibes among patrons.
This is the Pag-Ibig Loyalty card, which now brags of offering discounts when purchasing or buying from a local fast food giant like McDonald's and other affiliate companies.
The Pag-Ibig loyalty card has been around for quite a while but of late, more women have been flaunting use of this card especially while in queue at the fast food where a discount of five percent for Pag-ibig Loyalty card members can be availed.
PAG-IBIG has an exclusive mutual savings fund that can be started by individual payors, or with the employer and employee combined contributions, and members can also register for a loyalty card on voluntary basis, for a cost of Php 125.00
The card features a securely printed photo of the loyalty card member, and also doubles as a cash card facility for Pag-Ibig members.
Filipinos and returning workers from overseas who patiently lined up outside the Pag-Ibig Laspinas branch at the Robinson's Place come in different ages, professions and background.
One member shares thru member to member convo (slang: conversation), that he is from San Pedro, but is going over the said branch for a loyalty card that he had lost abroad.
The only downside to enlisting for the loyalty card is that a member has to patiently wait for long hours to get their chances at owning the card.
One Pag-Ibig regular member lined up at around 8:30 a.m. and got the chance to be called at the front counter at around 1:30pm for form submission and photo capture.
A common reason for the slowdown of members' form acceptance for the loyalty card membership are duplicitous Pag-ibig member ID numbers; and incomplete document submissions such as birth certificates.
Written and filed by the writer/blogger of News Review Philippines.
It's not yet frozen as locals show warmth for election campaigns. Defying common impressions that Filipinos have lackluster attitude to...