Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Porridge for the Rich. Logos for the Maid.

Of False Humility and Bloated Egos

Porridge for the rich. 

The new face of tyranny for the service of the ordinary.


When I read about a tycoon being fondly revered as "humble" by a local journalist, he having the capacity to blend with the masses, here meant to rank and file employees, I could not agree more, with the simple act of eating soup for a regular meal and walking around elbows to elbows with the skilled workers.

Wearing a plain white t-shirt is no major disapprobation at all.

It is a hallmark for the legends to show their plainsight, with quiet luxuries they are known for to own and have.

In our country, the simpler a man or woman comes knocking our doors, the more we should treat with respect.

Because that person could be going around in a hyper million SUV or luxe car in another town or country, that can quiet down one's boisterous status flaunt.

But in the era of loud logos, the quiet is shamed  by the superfluous love for the branded, and everything expensive.

Outside the rolls of pachinko, the measure of kilos, and the helpless rendezvous at the grocery shelves, where every price too, is catching up, like the "not to be forsaken" logos, you've got the picture of the ordinary professional, maybe displaced, maybe a professional daughter to another.

The burden of logos defining a person's wealth and capacity to work or purchase the essentials cannot be quieted down further.

Because this love for luxe that used to be displayed only by the wealthiest, has become too aspirational it has disenfranchised the ordinary employees then and now who live pay check to paycheck and yet have to keep a standard of living that makes them decent in the eyes of the status hungry.

The need to flaunt of late has become so deeply ingrained that it is sidelining the working population to a blind sightedness of poverty if it continues. 

With the drowning of the simplest brands in the face of the superlouds, the employees have to put on a front that companies have supported them in life, a true "ampao"  assumption because most employers do not really tap on longevity of benefits for the workers.  

On both faces of the coin, a dichotomy of lifestyle for the 

"noveau rich" and the new poor. 

The noveau rich with bloated egos, and who transcend boundaries because of having access to VIPs; their lifestyle and craves.

And on another side, the false humility of the former rich-gone-poor, displaced by joblessness and lack of clout, because the loud logos have given the poor a "bubble" lifestyle that makes them think-- they have arrived and are well provided for in a country for the simplest.

Apparently, all that people needs are a display of logos to be treated well; to get the right kind of jobs and lifestyle.  

While the tycoon made for remembering, have to settle for a porridge and wait/conserve the luxes he has so earned all his life.

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