Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Disloyalty to the loyal. Power-hungry drivers.

Staring at the issues in the eyes of the ordinary.

Admit it, the one who holds the steering wheel holds the power over the machine.  Here in this case said in the context of a driver maneuvering the car wheel to lead the direction on the street.

But what can beguile the ordinary is how ordinary drivers are placed or misplaced in the position of control over other free individuals, who patronize their services or hire them for regular employment.

Just about less than two weeks a driver without the blink of an eye, belittled, shouted and insulted another freelance driver without hold of sentiment as he tried to lord over the new driver simply asserting the former should be given priority in space and respect.  Shout with matching point fingers to the face of the newbie hired freelancer driver who showed stillness while the incident is being done. 

The veteran driver probably took it upon himself that he could castigate a younger driver like a super boss, and this is done in front of the actual client who hired the newbie freelancer for a day's driver. 

It is not an insolated incident as the driver has always displayed a condescend attitude towards his own employer, and postures himself as the lord of the household where he is given free board and meals, for he is without abode.  

In another show of driver attitude, this time by a professional driver instructor against a student/client of a driver school,

a young driver instructor on the second day of lesson, without brake and respect, demeaned and belittled the woman driver/learner, for not being able to park or learn how to park the vehicle well, despite rigorous instructions. 

The verbal tirade against the student was not just disrespectful but utterly humiliating as it was done in front of other drivers, with the driving school instructor trying to compose himself as if he is siding with his own brotherhood of fraternity, that they should witness him "scolding" the old student driver/learner.

The incident went unreported for it remains a futile endeavour to complain at a time when the local situation in the country is not at all favouring the customers, the women, and the target of biased individuals who are preyed on for shaming just because they wanted to up their status, or be recognized for being smart, probably a display of machismo attitude or a hate show for whatever reason the local shores are allowing them; because complaints are not welcomed against local employees, when they are in the position of "power" here said in the context of owning the stature of being the employed and the more skilled, a need of the country  against a backdrop of thirst for decent and respectable skilled workers.

It is a true show of disloyalty for the loyal, that as  stakeholders who spend and invest, hire the workers or  patronize services of business, companies and individuals, as paying customers the clients and private employers are treated like women without dignity, forlorn to the shadows of shame and ridicule by the men who hold the steer wheel, for a show of detest for the "unlikeable"; against the women who cannot bow to their brag or thirst for status.

Attention LTO (Land Transportation Office), there must be a revival of goodness where it concerns drivers' training and ethics, before they merit a professional driver's  license from the LTO to engage in a profession or service.

NRP commentary.

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