Monday, March 18, 2024

Pag-Ibig Loyalty Card Draws Crowd

In an era of crunch savings and hurried investments, when everyone seems to want recoup what they lost during the pandemic, one product offering discounts to members seem to have done a great deal of good vibes among patrons.

This is the Pag-Ibig Loyalty card, which now brags of offering discounts when purchasing or buying from a local fast food giant like McDonald's and other affiliate companies.

The Pag-Ibig loyalty card has been around for quite a while but of late, more women have been flaunting use of this card especially while in queue at the fast food where a discount of five percent for Pag-ibig Loyalty card members can be availed.

PAG-IBIG has an exclusive mutual savings fund that can be started by individual payors, or with the employer and employee combined contributions, and members can also register for a loyalty card on voluntary basis, for a cost of Php 125.00 


The card  features a securely printed photo of the loyalty card member, and also doubles as a cash card facility for Pag-Ibig members.

Filipinos and returning workers from overseas who patiently lined up outside the Pag-Ibig Laspinas branch at the Robinson's Place come in different ages, professions and background.

One member  shares thru member to member convo (slang:  conversation), that he is from San Pedro, but is going over the said branch for a loyalty card that he had lost abroad.

The only downside to enlisting for the loyalty card is that a member has to patiently wait for long hours to get their chances at owning the card.  

One Pag-Ibig regular member lined up at around 8:30 a.m. and got the chance to be called at the front counter at around 1:30pm for form submission and photo capture.

A common reason for the slowdown of members' form acceptance for the loyalty card membership are duplicitous Pag-ibig member ID numbers; and incomplete document submissions such as birth certificates.

Written and filed by the writer/blogger of News Review Philippines.


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