Monday, March 25, 2024

Sanctity of Letters Could Be In Threat

Is it SOP or subjective bias by a local?  Make it loud.

"May isa ka pa nito?  Translation:  Do you still have one of this?  The postal office employee curtly asks for a copy of the letter that is the content of an envelope requested sent overseas with implied assurance of confidentiality.   Naturally , the writer expects the postal employee must have known that there must be respect for privacy of communication.

Seems like there is none in the city of Laspinas, postal office,specifically where it concerns handling official letter or correspondence addressed to an official that is chosen not to be named in this post.

The thing is, the postal employee could have gotten away with her seemingly benign request to have a copy of the letter that is to be sent abroad.

But this is second time that the local postal office in two separate incidents, had asked for one.  In previous attempts, also a copy was requested before the letter was sent out, implying a sort of restriction imposed against the sender.

The sender of the letter happens to be a writer and a full time homemaker who has been targeted already with a lot of hate language, shame and slur ever since she chose to reside in the city of Laspinas.

But this time, the letter is not an ordinary one that can simply be dispelled, hence the sublime bias cannot be taken for granted.

After the blatant request, the postal employee simply asked for the sender to write the address again on the parcel, in an unapologetic way, as if what she asked for that could threaten the privacy of communication, was not at all an issue for anyone.

There seems to be a pervasive disrespect for media and the jobless locally that one who is often seen in the outskirts of public acceptance or usual expectations, are often relegated to a cold shoulder treatment and discourtesy by the locals.

NRP news

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